How We Help
Trouble sleeping – going to sleep, staying asleep or waking up?
More than 40 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep disorders each year, with an additional 20 million having occasional sleep problems. Insomnia alone affects around 10-15% of the population.
The impact of sleep disorders on their life is immeasurable.
Do you lie awake at night worrying, unable to shut your mind off?
Do you feel unrested, always trying to catch up on your sleep?
Do you wake up many times during the night?
Do you have children that struggle with sleeping, bedwetting or night terrors?
How bad is not sleeping?
Insomnia can lead to issues like irritability, tiredness, problems focusing, and exhaustion. As if that wasn’t bad enough, chronic tiredness can also increase the risk of a myriad of other problems, like hypertension, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. It becomes more and more difficult to fix the longer you suffer, so it’s vital to seek treatment as soon as symptoms arise.
Sleep issues are caused by many different factors. An increase in anxiety, stress, trauma can lead to an individual replaying their day on a loop, rethinking and reanalyzing. This can make it nearly impossible to get some rest.
Whatever the cause, sleep issues arise when the brain has lost the ability to shift into a state suitable for sleep.
Neurofeedback gives you back the ability to fall and stay asleep. We use a brain map (qEEG) to pinpoint the problems in your sleep patterns. Then, we can use Neurofeedback to train your brain to balance its brainwaves and improve the quality of sleep. These positive results occur quickly once brainwaves are regulated. Good sleep comes naturally to the brain, sometimes it just needs a reminder on how to achieve this.
There can be many underlying issues for bad sleep, such as poor sleep hygiene (including caffeine, alcohol, and physical behaviors before bed), as well as sleep apnea. Because of this, an assessment is needed before Neurofeedback training can begin. With our personalized training, all these issues can be addressed along with Neurofeedback.
As the brain learns to regulate itself, the need for medication is often greatly reduced or even eliminated altogether. Please always work with your physician when reducing the use of prescribed medications.
Common Sleep Issues that Improve with Neurofeedback
Insomnia – Difficulty falling asleep/difficulty maintaining sleep during the night
Difficulty waking from sleep
Difficulty getting to bed
Not feeling rested after sleep
Sleeping too long (over 10 hours)
Bedwetting (Nocturnal enuresis)
Restless leg syndrome – Leg discomfort or sleep causing movement & arousal
Bruxism – teeth grinding during sleep
Sleep terrors – Abrupt arousal with intense fear, difficult to awaken, no dream recall or memory of event
Dysregulated sleep patterns/cycles (circadian rhythms)
We Treat The Core Of The Problem In The Brain For Maximum & Lasting Relief
We Offer A Non-Invasive Solution That Requires No More Harmful Medications
We Help You Gain More Mental Control To Avoid Relapse & Live Free From Insomnia or Poor Sleep
Find Out If You’re A Candidate For Neurofeedback Therapy
By Calling (435) 412-1699 Or Filling Out Our Short Form.