How We Help
While porn has been around for thousands of years, In the last 30, we have seen a dramatic shift in how it is viewed. Most people have access to it at any given moment with the internet. The accessibility, affordability, and anonymity takes the effort, cost, and public judgment out of the equation.
Why does this matter?
Research shows that 1/3 of men aged 18-30 either believe that they are addicted to porn, or at least unsure if they are. The effects of this are difficulty reaching orgasm, experience delayed ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and no longer are aroused by real people. The wide availability of sex can be a problem for people who feel controlled by their sexual impulses.
Those who struggle with porn addiction report feeling a loss of control, a preoccupation with pornography or masturbation, and continue with the behavior despite negative life consequences.
Porn addiction is categorized under the more encompassing term of sex addiction. Addiction is easy to see in those who suffer from drugs and alcohol, but a porn addiction is easier to hide. There’s no physical symptoms, and most are able to manage emotions and perform daily tasks.
But that doesn’t mean that this addiction isn’t crippling. If left untreated, it can lead to a life of loneliness and heartache, causing damage similar to that of a drug and alcohol addiction.
Porn addicts can spend upwards of a few hours every single day watching porn. In many cases, prolonged exposure leads to unrealistic expectations surrounding sex, and can even lead the individual to act in unhealthy and harmful ways. It can also affect their work and personal life, making it hard for them to begin or maintain intimate relationships.
Ironically, people may be attracted to porn because of a healthy, natural interest in sex. But porn is a false substitute. Over time, porn will diminish the enjoyment of real sexual relationships. Viewers of porn are constantly seeing unrealistic bodies, contrived situations and degraded behavior, all unnatural. After a while, expectations and desires may change to conform to the unrealistic view of sexuality that is displayed in pornography.
Just like any addiction, the addict will find it nearly impossible to stop, even if they want to. They lose track of time, neglecting responsibilities in favor of their habit.
As in all addictions, users turn to unhealthy behavior to pursue reward or relieve pain and stress. The individual uses the sexual response to alter their moods, much like an alcoholic turns to the bottle to cope rather than confronting their problems in a healthy way.
We at Integrated NeuroHealth affirm the value of a healthy sexual relationship in people’s lives. There are varying opinions about whether pornography can be addictive, but we feel there is sufficient research to explain how pornography can change the reward circuitry in a user’s brain much like any other addiction. Evidence continues to grow that shows how pornography causes significant changes in brain function.
Sexual stimulation releases the highest natural quantities of dopamine. When dopamine is elevated long term, it leads to brain changes that are associated with addiction. This results in an individual feeling a loss of self-control, a reduced ability to cope with stress, and a lowered response to everyday sources of pleasure.
At Integrated NeuroHealth, we use Neurofeedback to assist addicts in coping with cravings and impulsivity, helping to reduce relapse incidents. We teach the addict how to self-regulate, allowing them to work through the craving without using.
In many cases, cravings are intense, debilitating, and often leave the addict with the belief of no other perceived choice but to achieve that high no matter the cost. To combat this, Neurofeedback can be used to teach self-regulation of brain function.
As with any addiction, Neurofeedback treatment has a high success rate, because it teaches your brain how to operate in a rational and calm state.
We Treat The Core Of The Problem In The Brain For Maximum & Lasting Relief
We Offer A Non-Invasive Solution That Requires No More Harmful Medications
We Help You Gain More Mental Control To Avoid Relapse & Live Free From Porn Addiction
Find Out If You’re A Candidate For Neurofeedback Therapy
By Calling (435) 412-1699 Or Filling Out Our Short Form.